Saturday, February 23, 2019

Policeman Essay

When we see the police force in our neighborhoods, we be busheld in the knowledge that we are in galosh hands. The police evoke a sense of solid ground refuge when they are roughly knowing that they cast the capacity to enforce the integrity and asseverate criminal elements at bay. We can take our children to the park and watch them play, secure in the presence of neighborhood beat police patrolling the streets. It is a safe place with the police around. But are they always welcome? always since the locate of the other terra firma superpower, the Soviet Union, the United States has been the sole shop ste fightd of that title (Weiner).Historians predicted that soon, democracy and freedom result be the norm around the world (Weiner). But some say that the United States has been remiss in its duties as the global law enforcer (Weiner). Thus, the question is constitute, should the world post the United States to start policing the global neighborhood (Weiner)? The quest ion better posed would be is, can the United States be capable of being the officer (Utley)? Many Neo-conservatives in the Republican party give a coup doeil of the infirmities that are inherent to the desire of some to see the United States patrolling the worlds hotspots (Utley).The United States, being the only ordered superpower left, is incapable(p) of launching any sort of campaign that will make it an empire, or at least, make a significant impact in enforcing the law in other parts of the world (Utley). This is the argument of right-wing isolationists being criticized by the left-wing of the party in dissuading the United States from making an flak in launching an imperialist reel (Utley). For any imperialist wave to succeed, the power in government must be matchless that has a strong centralist orientation, as was the case of Great Britain and the old papistical empire (Utley).In Britains case, the center of that power lay in the hand of some of the elites in the soc iety, give or take a few votes from the populace (Utley). This elite mainly consisted of those who owned tracts of land and a fraction of the population (Utley). In Rome, the Roman Senate dictated foreign indemnity in the state (Utley). But in the case of the United States, the use is quite the opposite. The brass is very clear in the tenet of delivery of freedom, non restraining it (Utley).This fundamental framework of the prservation of freedom is enshrined in the post-horse of Rights of the Constitution (Utley). In the American scheme of things, the strength of the political structure is not in concentration, but in dispersal of that power (Utley). This is done to curtail any initiative in undertaking foreign military adventurism (Utley). The narrative of the United States foreign insurance manoeuverings has also been riddled with being prepared to serve the interests of certain sectors, especially businesses (Utley).There were times that Big line of reasoning was the p reeminent factor in determining American foreign policy (Utley). This premise has given way to local pressure organizations and television insurance coverage of foreign incidents (Utley). In understanding the central role of television, it must be construed that televsison selects the unwilling sitting duck (Utley). As the news groups broadcast, this is picked up by the authorities, causing a stir of American support and good will to be poured out on the place or region (Utley). Unfortunately, this upheaval of support will often cause more hardship and slaughter (Utley).It is here that the United States, finding things in disarray, tends to reach out and assist the country or region find a semblance of balance wheel (Utley). Examples are not hard to find for the case at hand. In the U. S. -led invasion of Kuwait to liberate the country from the Iraqi invaders, a story, mistaken and unverrfied, ran about 20 Kuwaiti babies being hurled out of their incubators by the Iraqi raider s (Utley). This happened before the war (Utley). The story generated a groundswell of indignation and spurred the United States to continue in with their military might (Utley).The end result of this carnage was out-of-the-way(prenominal) from the desired outcome. At the onset of the conflict, the United States decimated vital installations in the dividing line of its military intervention (Utley). This left utilities in shambles sanititation, electrical contemporaries and food producing facilities were completely destroyed, leaving half a million children bushed(p) in its wake (Utley). The embargo on imports on even atomic number 17 and materials for rebuilding the nation left it with unsafe drinking water (Utley). To live the mindset of the generals, they are not schooled in the consideration of the consequences of their actions.All they take is how to quash the enemy and win the war (Utley). Haiti would be another primal piece of evidence on the failure of American interve ntionist policy. Before entering into its war games mentality, the United States initiative reduced the nations, and lots, performer of living by slapping an economic interdiction against the island nation (Utley). Then when the war mongers in the Federal government did not see the embargo works towards the desired goal, it went ahead and invaded the nation (Utley).As a result of the American military intervention, the people of Haiti are now in a utmost worse lot than they began with (Utley). Now, instead of becoming economically stable, the people of Haiti are now more dependent on imports from the United States (Utley). The pattern of American police strategy is sometimes is quite disturbing. When the American televison industry wearies of one subject, more often than not the American government forgets about it to a fault (Utley). Simply put, it fulls walks from the subject, leaving their posts when its no longer news, as in the cases of Haiti, Somalia or Panama (Utley). Or it just goes about imposing blockades to leave the people in hardship,like what is happening now in Iraq and Serbia (Utley). This practice of some God-given agency is not the lone and sole property of the United States, nor did it start with them. The construct was derived from the Divine Right of Kings practised in England (Neoperspectives). This was the practice in many European monarchies at the time of the founding of the United States (Neoperspectives). The King could just wave his hand or snap his fingers together and someone could drop away his life (Neoperspectives).The United States World Police? So the actions of the United States leaves us with the question, should the United States take up the cudgels for policing the world, or, was there an offer in the first place? Most would point to the administration of former U. S. President Bill Clinton for the dilemma that the United States is facing (RateItAll). As the earlier statement mentioned, the fall of the Soviet Uni on left the United States as the only legitimate superpower on the planet (Weiner).But again the question is raised, did the world ask for it? The question is somewhat answered by formere Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Colin Powell (RateItAll). Albright avers that since they have one of the strongest fighting forces at their disposal, then why not utilise them (RateItAll)? Was the thinking of Albright correct? According to University of Texas profeesor and author Robert Jensen, its not. The United States is not playacting at all as the world police instead it is bullyrag the world into submission (Jensen).

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