Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why the Islamic Financial System has the Strength to Mitigate the Dissertation

Why the Islamic Financial System has the Strength to Mitigate the Current Financial Crisis - Dissertation Example The present financial crisis has been held to be a consequence of the failure of the financial systems being followed in various segments of the world. From the evaluation of perceptions of the people across the world, it has been evaluated that they urge towards identification of an appropriate alternative to the present financial system. They desire for an alternative that holds strong prospect of avoiding financial crisis in the future. Following the search for a perfect alternative, it was observed that the Islamic financial system is argued to be the best answer to the present problem of the international economy. Various economists purported that Islamic financial systems bear strong possibility of becoming successful alternative to the present financial system. For critically evaluating the argument, various sources have been reviewed through library search. The findings have been analysed through primarily qualitative approach and presentation of quantitative data about the e ffectiveness of the Islamic financial system. The findings suggested that although the Islamic financial system holds strong prospect to evolve as the most effective financial system of the world, comprehensively it cannot be implemented in the International market. This is because the Islamic financial system is still challenged with certain loopholes, the presence of which can hinder its effectiveness. Evidences have been provided in this research study with respect to the Islamic banking system’s effectiveness in certain portion of the world such as that of Malaysia while at the same time evidences have also been provided of its inefficiency in certain other parts of the world such as that of Pakistan and Middle East. Table of Contents Chapter One: Introduction 5 1.1Background of the Research 5 1.2 Problem Statement 7 1.3 Aim, Objectives and Research Questions 9 1.4 Structure of the Dissertation 10 Chapter Two: Literature Review 11 2.1. Introduction 11 2.2 Origins of Islam ic Banking and Finance 12 2.3. Islamic Financial System 14 2.4. The Islamic Financial System and the Crisis 16 2.5 Strength of the Islamic Financial System 22 2.6 Weaknesses of the Islamic Financial System 26 Chapter Three: Research Methodology 28 3.1. Overview of Research Philosophy & Approach 28 3.2. Research Strategy 29 3.3. Validation of Data Source 33 3.4. Validation of Data Collection & Data Analysis Process 33 3.5. Limitations of the Research Process 34 Chapter Four: Findings, Analysis and Discussion 36 4.1. Introduction 36 4.2. Critical Evaluation of the Facts about Islamic Financial System 37 4.3 Empirical Evidence of Effectiveness of Islamic Financial Systems in other Counterparts of the World 44 Chapter Five: Conclusion & Recommendation 59 5.1. Overview 59 5.2. Facts Generated from the Research Study 59 5.2.1. Challenges Faced by the Islamic Finance System 59 5.2.2. Strengths of the Islamic Finance System that Helped it Survive the Financial Crisis 61 5.2.3. Reasons behin d the Growth in Islamic Finance 63 5.3. Recommendation for Future Works 64 6.0. References 66 7.0. Bibliography 81 Chapter One: Introduction 1.1Background of the Research According to the verse of the Great Allah (swt) about Islamic nation, â€Å"You are the best of the nation raised up for mankind because you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah†. The Islamic nations are blessed with the trait of being the world’s best nations brought up from humanity.1 The nation understands its responsibility well that people need to be aggressive in rising against immorality and unfairness. One of such wrong deeds, observed by the Islamic nations, is the economic coercion and injustice that is adversely affecting the world.2 The recent financial crisis initiated within the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The English Theatre during the Tudor Era Essay Example for Free

The English Theatre during the Tudor Era Essay The rule of the Tudor dynasty in England, extended from 1485 to 1603, was established after The War of the Roses between House of York and House of Lancaster. A period of unusual isolation for England from the Continental trends, Tudor period witnessed the developments of drama from the religious plays to Interludes in royal courts and from there to the regular drama in the Theatres. Drama began as an offshoot of the practices of the church and was thus religious in intention. It developed through the Tudor period acquiring a secular character by substituting moral teaching for purely religious instruction. The characters underwent a corresponding change: they were no longer Biblical figures, as in the case of Mystery plays, but personified virtues and vices. The some famous examples of these moral plays, or Morality Plays, as they were called are Everyman, a late fifteenth century work of unknown authorship and The Castle of Perseverance. Another important development in the English theatre during the Tudor period was the Interlude. It was the transitional form between the Morality play and the regular drama, in which the allegorical characters were displaced. Unlike moralities they were meant for amusement and entertainment. It was John Heywood who rendered interludes a definitive place in the development of English drama. He was a court musician and provider of amusements to Henry VIII. The interludes were dramatized at feasts and celebrations to entertain the court and the nobility. Heywood’s well-known interlude Four P’s (about 1520) represented an amusing dialogue passed between a Palmer, a Pardoner, a Pothecary and a Pedlar. Heywood continued his position in the Tudor court during the reign of Edward VI and Queen Mary. In due course of time, the interlude dissociated itself and became independent species of drama that was true to life and more regular in form. The influence of new learning prompted the performances of Latin plays of Terence and Plautus in schools and colleges. The next step was to create English plays on the classical model. The result was the first regular comedy in English, Ralph Roister Doister by Nicholas Udall, produced during the brief reign of Edward VI. It was followed soon after by Gammer Gurton’s Needle, of doubtful authorship, performed at Christ’s College, Cambridge. In the following years several Senecan Tragedies were translated in to English, which provided the model for the first English Tragedy written by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton. It was performed before Queen Elizabeth in 1561. It was followed by Tancred and Grismunda in 1568 and Misfortunes of Arthur in 1587. Another popular drama form that was inspired from Seneca during this period was the revenge tragedy. Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy (1586) established this kind of drama in England. The rest of the Elizabethan age saw the golden age of English Drama with the rise of the playwrights who were commonly called ‘the university wits’ and of course, William Shakespeare. The Tudor period saw the growth of Dramas from the royal courts to the theatres. With the advent of the Interludes, the demand for the entertainments of this kind led to the formation of small companies of actors maintained in the houses of noblemen. They wandered from place to place performing in inn-yards market places etc. First of the permanent theatre, which was called ‘The Theatre’ was built in Shoreditch in 1576. It was followed by the establishment of eight playhouses in London. The most famous of these early theatres were ‘Rose’, where the plays of Marlowe were performed; ‘Globe’in Southwark and Shakespeare’s ‘Wooden O’, where his masterpieces were first performed. The Art of Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci The era of Renaissance saw the zenith of the European arts of painting sculpture, architecture and literature that was not surpassed in any age. Italy was the epicenter of the Renaissance the chief characteristic of which was humanism. It was a system of vision which extolled human worth and dignity, expressing deep faith in his great creative potential, proclaiming liberty and absolute rights of the individual. The works of veteran Italian artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Davinci announced the aforesaid spirit of Renaissance and their works are often considered synonymous with the Renaissance art. Humanism and Renaissance found brilliant expression in the realm of painting, sculpture and architecture. The artists of the time made use of biblical subjects, but their interpretation had little to do with the traditional religious attitude. Da Vinci’s The Last Supper and Michelangelo’s Pieta are examples. Often described as the archetype of ‘the Renaissance man’, Leornado Davinci is regarded as one of the most talented people ever lived, on account of his genius in several fields. Like all Renaissance artists, he looked upon art as an imitation of life. He is praised for stylistic innovations, especially his understanding of anatomical structure of human body in order to represent movement. The interest in human anatomy to find the mechanism underlying the gestures and expression was a feature of the Renaissance artists. Da Vinci’s interpretation of biblical episodes had the scent of human life, with all its earthly beauty and vigor. Annunciation, which is thought to be one of the earliest completed works by Da Vinci, portrays the Humanist face of Virgin Mary. Physical aspects of man’s existence were given prominence rather than that of the religious. He is best known for two paintings: Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. The latter was yet another attempt by Da Vinci to humanise the biblical episode of the last meal shared by Jesus with his disciples before his capture and death. His mastery of depicting the expression is evident in the smile of Mona Lisa that baffled the centuries. Da Vinci’s contemporary, Michelangelo was also a multifaceted genius who proved his expertise as a painter, sculptor architect poet and engineer. His out put in every field during his long life was phenomenal. Two of his best known works, Pieta and David were sculpted before he was thirty. In spite of his low opinions about painting he contributed two important works in fresco: the decoration of the ceilings and alter walls of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican. He drew the subjects from Christian mythology but giving it an intense human interpretation thereby catching the spirit of Renaissance. These paintings, for example The Last Judgment and The Fall of Man are among the most works of art in the world. One of his greatest contributions to architecture was the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Michelangelo’s Pieta, carved in 1499, is another epitome of the Renaissance humanism. It is a representation of Mary with the dead Christ across her knees. Following the popular theme at the time he depicted the woes of mother and son as human beings and not as religious symbols. Many depictions of Mary and Christ as a child at that time represented Mary and Jesus as loving human beings. Michelangelo viewed art as something that sprung from inner motivation and from culture. While Da Vinci’s art sprung from the observation of nature and of man, Michelangelo saw nature as an enemy to over come. According to him every stone has a sculpture in it and the job of the sculptor was to chip away all that was not a part of the statue. References Dev, Arjun. (1997). The Story of Civilization. Vol. 1. New Delhi: NCERT.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pursuing A Career In Teaching Education Essay

Pursuing A Career In Teaching Education Essay Mark Twain once said work and play are words used to describe the same thing under different circumstances (n.d.). When choosing a career, it is important that it does not feel like work all the time. Becoming a teacher requires preparation such as education, summer jobs, skills and having references available for later use. The work a teacher deals with can be physically and emotionally stressful, differ in salary and working conditions and also with the type of people they work with. The potential of a teacher depends on the career path they choose, and the amount of training and schooling they are willing to obtain to go further into their career. There may be disadvantages to being a teacher, but at the same time there are many advantages. Pursuing a career in teaching will be challenging yet rewarding. Teachers have been around since the dawn of time and have always had the same purpose, to educate. A teacher is defined by Merriam-Websters Dictionary as one that teaches; especially one whose occupation is to teach (2004, p. 1016). Teaching is defined as to cause to know or understand; to assist in learning how to do something; show how (Merriam-Webster, 2004, p. 1016). The evolution of teachers started way back in the beginning of time. Teachers started to come about when language was invented through apprenticeship, imitation, and ritual. Teachers became more prominent when the invention of writing came about, because they did not have to teach orally anymore and started to teach children how to read (The World Book Encyclopedia, 2010, p. 97). There has always been someone who has influenced teaching in one way or another. In Ancient Greece, three famous teachers were Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. Their teaching methods had the biggest impact on Western education (The World Book Encyclopedia, 2010, p. 98). Still today there are people who influence teaching and different methods of teaching. The profession of teaching in constantly evolving with incorporation of the advanced technology. Computers have become a large part of classroom studies and teachers find themselves having to incorporate them into their lessons. Smartboards have also risen into a top teaching tool for teachers. To be able to use these SmartBoards, teachers must participate in certification classes. As a teacher, the main purpose of their job is to be able to guide a student towards a successful future. Teachers have to be capable of working with students and trying to get them to understand new information with becoming frustrated. They have to be responsible and excellent role models. I chose teaching as my possible career path because I believe I possess these necessary qualifications in order to become a successful teacher. There are skills and education required to become a teacher, along with summer jobs and references that can be helpful. The education required for a teacher can take at least eight years to achieve. First they must obtain an undergraduate degree and then continue to obtain a bachelors degree. Some teachers choose to go further into their education and receive a masters or doctoral degree. Pursuing the higher degrees requires more schooling while also maintaining a job as a teacher. Masters and doctoral degrees are not necessary to become public school teachers. Traditionally to become a public school teacher, a complete bachelors degree from a teacher education program and license are required. Depending on the grade you want to teach, certain courses are required to take in college. If becoming a high school teacher, usually major in their field of study. (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11) If a person wants to pursue a career in teaching they must attain a teaching license. To attain a teaching license there are requirements. To obtain a license, you need a bachelors degree, a completed approved teacher training program, a certain number of subject and education credits, and supervised practice teaching (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). A person must also possess certain skills to even consider becoming a teacher. These skills help to develop the type of teacher they are going to be, whether they are communicative or authoritative. Teachers must have the ability to communicate, inspire trust and confidence, and motivate students, as well as understand the students education and emotional needs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ recognize and respond to individual and cultural differences in students and employ different teaching methods à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ should be organized, dependable, patient and creative à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ also must be able to work cooperatively and communicate effectively with other teachers, support staff, parents and members of the community. (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010- 11) When a person is a teacher, they need to be able to communicate with their students in a way that they can understand, they also need to be able to be someone that a student can trust and depend on. If a teacher is disorganized, their classes will also become disorganized and no learning will take place effectively. A teacher must also be able to change their lesson plans depending on the type of children they are teaching because not every student is the same. Some students may be willing to learn, while others may find it difficult to concentrate on anything going on. There are summer jobs that can help in the field of teaching. A camp counselor is one summer job that can be helping if wanting to pursue a career in teaching. Camp counselors constantly deal with all different types of children and can definitely help in learning how to be patient with students and children. Working as a summer camp counselor also puts oneself in a position where there are counselors working together , which teachers also do. Other summer jobs that may be helpful in a teaching career are babysitters, coaches, and umpires (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). Each of these jobs requires working with children persistently, and learning to communicate with them in a creative way. References help to secure a job position at a school, good references may make the difference between deciding between two candidates. Good references could be former employers, coworkers, or teachers or anyone else who can describe your abilities and job-related traits (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). References, skills, summer jobs, and education are all necessary to prepare for a career in teaching. A career as a teacher ranges in salary, hours worked, the people you work with, and working conditions, but always has the same amount of vacation time, even though it may be broken down differently. A teacher has to deal with working conditions wherever they teach. The conditions may be satisfactory, or may not be, but either way they have to be able to do perform to their best abilities. As a teacher, you are constantly surrounded by students, willing and nonwilling to learn. It can be frustrating and rewarding. There are large classes, heavy workloads and old buildings with no technology, it can be stressful. A public school teacher has no control over what they can teach. They are held accountable for poor state test grades. Isolationism can result from being around kids all the time. (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11) Working conditions cannot determine how a teacher teaches, they need to teach the way they would in ideal working conditions, surrounded by ideal students and ideal classes. When students are doing poorly in their classes, it is always perceived as the teachers fault. They are constantly being blamed and having to face criticism even when they are performing their job the exact way they should be. The average work week consists of forty hours, with some more due to extracurricular activities (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). Teachers decide to pick up more hours during the work week by chaperoning dances, leading clubs and volunteering at school funded events, in order to receive a higher pay check. The average salary ranges from $47,000 to $51,800 according to the numbers of May 2008 (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). The salary of a teacher is no where close to where it should be, with all of the different responsibilities they are held accountable for, so that is why they cho ose to participate in extracurricular activities. Vacation time for a teacher remains the same for each one. The only aspect of vacation time that differs is when the vacation takes place. Depending on how the school year is, a teacher works ten months with a two month vacation during the summer. If it is a year round school, teachers work eight weeks, on vacation for a week, and have a five week midwinter break (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). Teachers also have vacation time during the holiday breaks that students are off from school, such as Winter break and Spring break. Having a career in teaching comes with physical and emotional stress. Reese interviewed Sewell, a teacher at a college, and states: Sewell has to prepare, teach, grade, and counsel all by herself. She has seventeen classes she is responsible for teaching à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Sewell finds that preparing for a class requires an enormous amount of time. It takes a lot of preparation just to go in there and teach for an hour. Sewell notes. Her students arent the only ones who get stressed. Some days are so trying because there is so much to balance, Sewell adds. (2003) Teachers regularly have to teach, grade, prepare and counsel for their students, which adds a great deal of physical stress, with all the paperwork that comes along with it. The emotional stress can pertain to counseling because the students problems come out into the open and a teacher has to be there to listen, and depending on what the students are telling them, it can create internal conflicts for the teacher, adding on more emotional stress. Emotional stress can also come from the students not participating in class, or not paying attention and doing poorly on the exams, and may make the teacher feel as if they are not doing their job the correct way. There are various kinds of people that a teacher works with. Baccio is a teacher in a juvenile detention center and according to Redman Baccio works with inmates ranging from ten to eighteen years old who may have mental illnesses and may be unmotivated. She teaches them to read, even though they should know how to (2008). Teachers usually come across students who are unwilling to learn and tend to do nothing in their classrooms. Teachers have to be able to persuade these students to try and learn, but that does not always happen. There are of course students who are always willing to learn and teachers look forward to guiding and enlightening them. Teachers work with students, but also have coworkers. As a teacher you work with many other teachers as well as supervisors and have to be able to work with parents and the community (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). When teachers work together, they are usually brainstorming ideas about how to improve on lessons, which books to read, how to keep students engaged in conversations and all around try to be creative. Teachers are usually evaluated by a supervisor sitting in on a lesson every once in a while (Reese, 2003). The evaluations help a supervisor to see if a teacher is really doing his or her job. The different factors that are incorporated with the caree r of teaching may lead some to rethink this option. Having a career in teaching can lead to higher positions on a possible career path. People vary in their opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of teaching. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the advantages of being a teacher are that you have the ability to help someone achieve a goal, you can help to make the right choices about school and life, and you get to see the difference that you make in a childs life (2010-11). Redman quotes Boccio when she says People like to be successful, so as [the students] start to get some good grades back, and feel that Im really watching them carefully à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ most of them meet that challenge; most of them are actually quite successful (2008). Reese illustrates that Sewells students admire her for what she does and are always willing to help if she has a lot going on. This helps her students learn organizational skills that they will need as teachers (2003). The main advantage of being a teacher is that they are an inspira tion to other students and are watching others become successful. Of course there are disadvantages of being a teacher. Disadvantages of being a teacher are that is a stressful career, can involve unruly and violent behavior, students may be unmotivated and you are held accountable for their failures, there is little control, and can lead isolationism (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). One of the challenges of Boccios job is continually accommodating new additions to her classroom without making those students feel as if they have missed out or unable to participate right away. It is a stressful environment, and many of the students have mental health issues, both of these elements affect classroom behavior and how Boccio enforces rules. (Redman, 2008) This is truly a disadvantage for a teacher because no two students are the same. Teachers have to make their lesson plans understandable for every child they teach and make sure the lessons convey the same message across each student. It is difficult enough to try and have one student understand what is going on, but they have to be able to communicate it to twenty to thirty students. The future outlook of a career in teaching was determined by the U.S. Department of Labor, Job openings will result from the need to replace the large number of teachers who are expected to retire over the 2008-18 period. Jobs should be more available in inner cities and rural areas than suburban districts. The supply of teachers is expected to increase in response to reports of improved job prospects, better pay, more teacher involvement in school policy, and greater public interest in education. The projected employment for 2018 is about a thirteen percent increase in kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers. (2010-11) There is a good chance that by the time the 2011 high school graduating classes receives their bachelors degrees, there will be more opportunities for those looking to pursue a career in teaching. Teachers have the ability to further their careers by furthering their education. Dale Carlson is now the superintendent of the school district of Holmen, Wisconsin. In a magazine article, he talks about how he got to where he is now. Dale Carlson has just become the superintendent of the school district of Holmen, Wisconsin. He previously worked for thirteen years at Parker High School in Janesville, Wisconsin, serving for nine years as a principal and for four years as an assistant principal. Carlson started his career as a math teacher in Mausten, Wisconsin, and taught for nine years in Houston, Minnesota, and La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Carlson, 2009) In order to progress his career, he had to attain a higher level of schooling. To become an assistant principal, principal, administrator, or deal, usually requires a masters degree (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). Carlson had to obtain his masters degree before he could become an assistant principal and start his way up to superintendent. There are many advanced careers from teaching. A teacher can become an assistant principal, principal, administrator, chief academic officer, dean, chairperson and more. Teachers can even become superintendent of their districts (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). The possible outlook for a career in teaching can result in higher positions and responsibilities. Pursuing a career in teaching is a very demanding but exhilarating career. Teaching demands a lot of time with grading and preparing, but at the same time is exhilarating because it helps students to advance in life. From the research, I feel that I am suited for a career in teaching. To be suited for a career in teaching, a person must be very patient and are always trying to get students or children to do their best. They have to want to help others understand new information and succeed at it. They have to be willing to lend a hand to a coworker or student in need. Teachers must be tolerant of others and have a high threshold of patience. I feel that I am suited for a career as a teacher because I harbor these necessary qualities. To attain my goal, I need to pursue advanced schooling and take classes dealing with different types of people. Although there are disadvantage and a great deal of stress that go along with pursuing a career in teaching, there are many advantages, such a s watching a student learn something new and helping students make difficult choices. Teachers are such an important aspect of any community, and will always be, which is why I would love to look as teaching as a possible career choice.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Journey Home: What Makes a Hero Essay -- Essays Papers

The Journey Home: What Makes a Hero What constitutes an epic story? Certainly, literary expectations have come to define a story as a series of events revolving around one or more characters. An epic, however, must possess one attribute that a story may or may not contain; a hero. The Odyssey is an epic and therefore, it does contain a hero and perhaps even more than one. A hero cannot simply just exist, though, he or she must be shaped into the role through a series of adventures and misadventures that help the reader sympathize and identify with the hero’s progress towards a specific goal. The Odyssey proves no exception as the hero Odysseus’ ultimate goal of returning home to his beloved Ithaca is hindered by a sequence of events that create the story. Although his own contribution to delaying his return home must not be overlooked, it is primarily the desire of the gods which greatly affects Odysseus progress towards Ithaca. Although not as prominent as the roles of the Gods, Odysseus’ own actions do impact his journey home, even if it is only negatively. Odysseus is a proud man and at numerous points during The Odyssey his ego derails efforts to return to Ithaca. Perhaps this is clearest when Odysseus and his men land upon the island of Aeaea. Home to the beautiful goddess Circe, Odysseus and his men are initially oblivious to the perils of the enchanting island. After a band of Odysseus’ men are tricked and turned into pigs by the goddess, though, Odysseus is warned of a similar fate and subsequently confronts and threatens to kill the goddess. Instead, however, Circe begs to lie with Odysseus and even swears an oath insisting there is no more hidden mischief in store for Odysseus and his crew. While... ...the hero of an epic, to be brimming with anything less than intense pride. Part of what breeds a hero is confidence so one cannot fault Odysseus for having faith in his own abilities. The negative and positive influences of the gods, though, are vastly superior as they truly dictate the epic. Whether it is Poseidon’s fury, Zeus’ wisdom or Athene’s lure to Odysseus, there is absolutely no question the god’s overwhelming substantial impact upon the tale is leaves the deepest imprint upon the reader. Works Cited - Homer. The Odyssey. London: The Penguin Group, 2003. - Nelson, Christopher B. "Homer and the Power of Men That Have Chests." New Criteriorn November 2003. 27 January 2004 < - Sellar, Tom. "Homer's Homecoming." American Theatre September 2003. 26 January 2004 <>.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How is the theme of childhood presented Essay

The Romantic era ushered in a whole new way in which children were perceived. Romantics did not believe in the â€Å"Seen but not heard† attitude towards children. The Romantics often busied themselves trying to understand what made a man, what shaped a person’s personality to create the adult. Three poems in The Lyrical Ballads, all by Wordsworth, deal exclusively with the theme of childhood. They are We are Seven, Anecdote for Fathers and The Idiot Boy. A famous quote by philosopher Jean-Jacques Rosseau states that â€Å"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains†. By this he meant that we are all born without any laws or morality and that these are ideals we gain only as we age and get exposed to them by society. This sentiment is reflected in the aforementioned poems, as this belief is one of the reasons children were so celebrated by the Romantic movement, they were untainted by the societal rules forced upon them, and so were a part of nature in a way an adult could not be. In We are Seven, Wordsworth relates a conversation between the poem’s narrator and a young girl. The young girl claims to have sixth brothers and sisters, however she says that two of them are dead. Despite the narrator’s attempts to convince her that makes only four brothers and sisters, five overall, he eventually concedes that is â€Å"Throwing words away† as the girl is not able to truly comprehend the realities of death. In this poem Wordsworth juxtaposes the cynicism of the narrator’s view of death with the innocence of the young girl’s view. The narrator’s view is that although she did have six brothers and sisters, she now only has four. The girl’s brother and sister are no longer alive and thus cannot be considered human, and equally can no longer be the girl’s brother and sister in any real sense, so he only recognises her as having four siblings. The girl however does not see death in that manner. Although she is aware that they are dead, she is not able to properly understand what this means. As the author says â€Å"What should it know of death? † To her, even though they are dead, they are still her brother and sister, just as much as her others and so she sees herself as one of seven children. In the poem Wordsworth gives a vivid description of the girl, referring to her as â€Å"rustic† and having a â€Å"Woodland air†, which overtly links her to nature. The fact that the narrator says that her beauty â€Å"makes me glad† shows that Wordsworth is indirectly calling the girl, her innocence and nature, which the girl is close to, a wonderful thing which should be celebrated. Both The Idiot Boy and Anecdote for Fathers deal with the imagination. In Anecdote for Fathers the narrator asks his son whether he prefers their home at Kilve or Liswyn Farm. The child clearly has never contemplated this, however as his father originally praises Kilve more than Liswyn Farm, he says that he prefers Kilve, as he believes that is what his father wants to hear. His father however questions his answer, which the child is not prepared for. Looking around in panic he sees a weather vane and responds with â€Å"At Klive there was no weather-cock, and that’s the reason why†. The narrator is ecstatic with his son’s answer, as he sees his son’s ability to imagine an innocent answer so easily. The father wishes that he could â€Å"Teach the hundredth part of what from thee I learn† The tone of excitement in the father’s response seems to stem from Wordsworth lamenting the fact that although he is able to understand how children are able to use their imagination in such ways, he is unable to mimic them, as he has already succumbed to the social ideals. In The Idiot Boy Wordsworth the effect of society on an adult by comparing the imagination of a child and his mother. In this poem a woman, Betty, is caring for her sick friend, Susan. Although Susan requires urgent medical care, Betty cannot leave her alone in her state, so she sends Johnny, the â€Å"Idiot Boy†, her mentally handicapped son. She gives him very clear instructions that he is to go straight to the doctor and straight back and not stop. Hours later he has not returned and Betty begins to worry about â€Å"sad mischances, not a few†. In the end Betty decides to go and look for him. As she is out calling his name, she starts to imagine her son being dead or hurt based on what she sees. For example when she sees a pond she imagines that her son may have drowned in it. Eventually she discovers that Johnny is safe and well, and has merely been playing for hours, imagining himself picking stars out of the sky, being a hunter and being a warrior. The contrast between the imagination of a child, with an extra layer of innocence due to his mental handicap, and his mother is incredibly stark. While Johnny’s imagination has kept him content for hours, Betty’s has, in a shorter space of time, made her start to contemplate suicide due to the grief it instilled within her. We then find that Susan has recovered for exactly the same reason that Betty felt such despair, all she was able to think about were horrible ways in which Betty and Johnny could’ve been hurt and was able to draw strength from her sadness at being unable to help. In the end, when asked what he had been doing for hours, Johnny merely replies â€Å"The cocks did crow to-whoo, to-whoo, and the sun did shine so cold†. Wordsworth called this response Johnny’s â€Å"glory†, which very accurately sums up the Romantic ideal of childhood and innocence being a thing to cherish, which was one of the messages Wordsworth and Coleridge tried to present with the Lyrical Ballads.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Roman Aquaducts

ART HISTORY ESSAY In a history that has extended over a thousand years, Roman architecture has proven to be ‘eternal’. Combined with intense ambiguities and innovative designs, Roman architecture made use of basic structural elements, such as the arch and vault, to provide greater advantages than previous cultures. Read on as we explore and discuss how the use of the arch and vault established Roman architecture as one of the most creative achievements. The Romans were a civilization of engineers and builders. In all of their history, no great names in science or mathematics beckon to us from across the ages as those of their military geniuses or literary greats do. In the applying of pure knowledge to practice uses, however, their engineers are unsurpassed until one reaches modern times. Without the ability to manufacture parts to standard dimensions close enough to allow them to be interchangeable in finished products without filin and fitting, they nevertheless had huge factories capable of large scale mass production. Engineers traveled with their armies building roads and bridges. In fact, a knowledge of engineering was almost a requirement for advancing through the ranks. After they conquered new territory and created a new province, their engineers laid out cities to a standard plan and provided them with excellent roads and a clean water supply. Once Ancient Rome became a dominating world power, a revolution in architecture began. Imaginations exploded once freed from customs and brought about an architectural rebirth that was inspired by Greece. The rebirth of architecture challenged Romans to build with more imagination and freedom. From their experimentation came the arch and vault. This renewed interest in architecture was also seen as an art form and such things as bridges, aqueducts, arenas and public forums developed and grew from it. The arch and vault became essential parts of monumental... Free Essays on Roman Aquaducts Free Essays on Roman Aquaducts ART HISTORY ESSAY In a history that has extended over a thousand years, Roman architecture has proven to be ‘eternal’. Combined with intense ambiguities and innovative designs, Roman architecture made use of basic structural elements, such as the arch and vault, to provide greater advantages than previous cultures. Read on as we explore and discuss how the use of the arch and vault established Roman architecture as one of the most creative achievements. The Romans were a civilization of engineers and builders. In all of their history, no great names in science or mathematics beckon to us from across the ages as those of their military geniuses or literary greats do. In the applying of pure knowledge to practice uses, however, their engineers are unsurpassed until one reaches modern times. Without the ability to manufacture parts to standard dimensions close enough to allow them to be interchangeable in finished products without filin and fitting, they nevertheless had huge factories capable of large scale mass production. Engineers traveled with their armies building roads and bridges. In fact, a knowledge of engineering was almost a requirement for advancing through the ranks. After they conquered new territory and created a new province, their engineers laid out cities to a standard plan and provided them with excellent roads and a clean water supply. Once Ancient Rome became a dominating world power, a revolution in architecture began. Imaginations exploded once freed from customs and brought about an architectural rebirth that was inspired by Greece. The rebirth of architecture challenged Romans to build with more imagination and freedom. From their experimentation came the arch and vault. This renewed interest in architecture was also seen as an art form and such things as bridges, aqueducts, arenas and public forums developed and grew from it. The arch and vault became essential parts of monumental...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gabriel Garcia Mrquez essays

Gabriel Garcia Mrquez essays Gabriel Jos Garcia Mrquez was born on March 6th, 1928, in a small town called Aracataca, in Colombia. He was raised by his maternal grandparents, but he knew his real parents. He was one of sixteen children. His grandfather was Colonel Nicols Ricardo Mrquez Mejia. He was a veteran of the War of a Thousand Days, and a Colonel of the Civil War. Gabriel Mrquez often used the lessons his grandfather taught him when he was younger, in his books. His grandmother was Tranquilina Iguarn Cotes. She was very superstitious and told Gabriel that there were ghosts in their house, which he also wrote about in his books. Gabriels father was a telegraph operator named Gabriel Eligio Garcia. He had a reputation of being promiscuous and was the father of four children. He was also a former medical student. But, because his parents were poor, his grandparents raised him. When he was 8 years old, his grandfather died, so he had to go live with his parents in Sucre because his grandmother was going blind. While he was living with his parents, his father got a job at a pharmacy to raise some money to help take care of his family. Gabriel went to a boarding school in Barranquilla, and was known as a shy boy that wrote funny poems and drew cartoons. When he was a teenager, he won a scholarship for a school of gifted and poor children in Bogot. This school was called Liceo Nacional and was run by Jesuits. He graduated in 1946 when he was 18. He then went to the Universidad Nacional, which was also in Bogot. There, he studied Law, because thats what his parents wanted him to do. He came to realize that he really didnt want to study law anymore, so he quit to work as a journalist. He moved to Barranquilla, the town where his boarding school was, and got his first journalist job and wrote fiction when he got bored. The book by Franz Kafka, call...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay Example

National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay Example National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay The first measure towards blending of a stepfamily is both parents taking a committedness to invariably work at their jobs and non give up when the traveling gets tough. Both of them have to understand the complexness of the state of affairs before acquiring into it. since kids with sensitive heads are traveling to be involved in the procedure. They besides have to see the fiscal portion of the whole trade. good in progress. to forestall struggles at a ulterior clip ( APA Health Center 2004 ) . The biological parent has to convey the thought of get downing a stepfamily to the kid. long before it really becomes a world. This is to guarantee that the kid is given adequate clip to get by up and go comfy with the new agreement. Before get downing a stepfamily. both spouses have to guarantee that they have sorted out issues from their past matrimonies. They should take equal clip to mend and recover from the old relationship. so that they are emotionally ready to get down another relationship. After all. a bad relationship surely can non seed the seeds for a successful stepfamily. Childs are really susceptible to their environment during their formative old ages. Hence. both parents should exert utmost cautiousness and restraint to forestall the kid from witnessing struggles and statements. in order to be healthy role-models ( Way2Hope ) . Parents should be mentally ready to manage letdowns and maladjustments at foremost. since a stepfamily is surely non designed to be an ideal agreement. The key is to bit by bit construct regard and trust with members of the stepfamily. Children need to be invariably reassured that they were non responsible for the dissolution of the old matrimony with the biological parent. particularly if the cause of separation is the decease of a parent. There needs to be an unfastened communicating channel with the kids in the signifier of little treatments. so that kids are non left stranded with confusions. unreciprocated inquiries and repressed emotions. A parent has to guarantee that stepchild and biological kid are non discriminated and given equal attending. It is indispensable for a parent to speak entirely with the biological kid every bit good as stepchild. so that they can understand each other better. They have to happen ways to link to the kids by organizing new household traditions that take topographic point on a regular footing. One of the facets of a closely-knit household is making things together. which brings in squad spirit and the joy of sharing. Once a household tradition starts to go on on a regular basis. it gives a sense of togetherness to the kids and would be a measure in the right way towards constructing a blended household. Family game darks. monthly field daies. annual holiday and Thanksgiving Day dinner could all really good be good household traditions that could populate on for old ages. possibly even coevalss. Care has to be taken to guarantee that the relationship between the stepchild and biological parent is sustained. since the kid needs attention from the biological parent to see a wholesome childhood ( All About Life Challenges ) . However. kids turning under joint detention of detached parents end up being raised under two families with different regulations and patterns ( National Stepfamily Resource Center ) . Hence. this may take to the kid acquiring assorted messages from both parents and being forced into a province of confusion. Hence. both the biological parent and measure parent have to speak with each other and come to a decision about the methods of training and handling the kid. Even after making these things right. if the kid finds it difficult to accommodate to the blended household. the parents should give it some clip for things to work their manner out of course and be unfastened to the thought of seeking professional aid if needed. Giving kids infinite to do up their ain heads at their ain gait is the key to constructing new relationships with them. For case. it is non just to anticipate a stepchild to turn to a measure parent as â€Å"dad† or â€Å"mom† since their biological parent is non replaceable ( Jaffe et. al 2008 ) . In due class of clip. household bonds would finally turn stronger as the kid additions respect for the measure parent. Mention: All About Life Challenges. Blended Families – Common Sense. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. allaboutlifechallenges. org/blended-families. htm gt ; APA Health Center. ( 2004 ) . Families: Making Stepfamilies Work. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. apahelpcenter. org/articles/article. php? id=41 gt ; Jaffe. J. Segal. J. Hutman. S A ; Barston. S. ( 2008. 8 January ) . Blending Families: a Guide for Stepparents. HelpGuide. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. helpguide. org/mental/blended_families_stepfamilies. htm gt ; National Stepfamily Resource Center. Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. stepfamilies. info/faqs/faqs. php gt ; Way2Hope. Blended Family Problems. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. way2hope. org/blended_family_problems. htm gt ;

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Family in Europe History Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Family in Europe History - Coursework Example This set up the family as a father and mother in a monogamous and permanent relationship living with children who obeyed them and respected them until marriage, at which time they owed greatest devotion to their spouse but were still expected to honor their elders. Secular ideals were ruled more by the detrimental effects of wars and disease that had decimated the population during the middle ages. There was great concern that families would die out altogether and thus an increasing urge for extended families to remain together along patrilineal lines. The line of succession from father to sons had been widely adopted by this point in time and family wealth was beginning to be either taken up by greater lords as a means of funding their numerous wars or divided up among numerous sons born as a means of trying to circumvent fate and assure the bloodline survived. As a result of this, it was urged that brothers should live together. This way, the wealth could remain concentrated in one spot, as in falling to the oldest son of the line following the father’s death, while still supporting younger sons who may be required later to secure the family tree. While this didn’t normally occur, it did place a great deal more emphasis on the extended family and the importance of close family relationships. The rules of marriage included the idea that men could not marry the widows of their older brothers and they could not marry sisters either at the same time (bigamy) or in sequential order, such as when one sister died. Widows of the household were forced to leave in order to find a new husband or had to be content to remain a widow. She could not marry her step-son, which was often practiced prior to this law as a means of keeping her on the estate. Exogamy was an attempt to assure that only one married couple lived in a location at a time, increasing the chances that young men, even poor young men, would

Friday, October 18, 2019

3 simple auditing questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

3 simple auditing questions - Assignment Example Julia Granger has already completed steps 1 through 4 and has documented the results of her work on audit schedules E-100, E-110, E-111, and E-112. Assume that the client performs the control activities identified in the flowcharts. A solution to the assignment is provided using schedules similar to the schedules provided to students on the pages that follow. Again, due to the subjective nature of some of the judgments alternative solutions could be considered equally acceptable. Note that the solution lists potential audit tests that could be performed. It is very unlikely that an auditor would decide to perform all these audit tests. Additionally, the solution does not indicate whether the audit test should be performed on the entire population or a sample of the population. 9) Transfers are appropriately authorized and the financial statements presentation including the disclosure of all investments conforms to the generally accepted accounting principles that are consistently applied. The company purchases material from the vendors, the purchased material are inspected and counted and the prices compared to the purchase orders and a pre-numbered receiving report is prepared. / After that the receiving report and the purchase order are issued. On the accounting side, the accountants receive the invoices from the vendors for the items purchased. All the materials that are not accounted for in terms of receiving report are transferred to the appropriate department for acknowledgment for the receipt. The vendors document are marched with the appropriate accounted document to allow for documentation in the purchase journal, vendor ledger, general ledger and the inventory files. The files are reviewed by the supervisor. All the reports such as the purchase order, receiving report and vendor invoices are documented by the

A Synthesis of the Themes in Selected Poems about War Essay

A Synthesis of the Themes in Selected Poems about War - Essay Example These poems argue that wars are honorable because of the courage they involve, but they are still immoral because soldiers and their enemies are treated as mere pawns, dehumanized because of their mission to strike and kill without compunction, and stripped of their rights to autonomy, survival, and a good life with their families. To be a soldier is a noble calling because to live by its principles is an honorable thing. The basic principles of war, based on these poems, are courage, commitment, and selflessness. Lovelace may be referring to Lucasta as a woman whom the soldier loves, or all his loved ones in general. He explains to her the reasons of going to war, despite having the option of staying in the blissful arms of his beloved. The â€Å"Nunnery† means that the place of his beloved is pure and good, but it is not a man’s place (Lovelace 1.2). The â€Å"Arms† of war are more suited to a real man, where war is seen as a testing ground for manhood: â€Å" To War and Arms I flee† (Lovelace 1.4). The speaker agrees that war is another mistress; it takes so much time, attention, and resources: â€Å"True, a new Mistress now I chase† (Lovelace 2.1). ... The â€Å"stronger Faith† signifies that war is a holy quest. The decision to go to the war is an honorable responsibility. It means that honor in war is about protecting one’s country, something that can be done only out of the purest of intentions, the purest of love: â€Å"Yet this inconstancy is such/As you too shall adore† (Lovelace 3.1-2). Soon, Lucasta will realize what he means. He depicts that Lucasta is then fortunate, for in honoring the war, he honors her even more: â€Å"I could not love thee, Dear, so much,/Loved I not Honour more† (Lovelace 3.3-4). The greatest love comes from loving the society as a whole, not just one’s mistress or family, for in protecting their societies, they are protecting their families too. Another poem agrees that being a soldier is an honorable calling because of the courage, dedication, and selflessness it requires. Lord Alfred Tennyson, in â€Å"The Charge of the Light Brigade,† refers to an actual battle, where the English Light Brigade charged to a suicidal mission in the Crimean War. The tone of the poem honors the soldiers, but the feelings of exhaustion and resentment are present. In the first stanza, Tennyson says: â€Å"Half a league, half a league,/Half a league onward† (1.1-2). He repeats the phrase â€Å"half a league† three times in a row, suggesting tiredness. Soldiers get weary from their missions, but they must never falter, as if they are not supposed to feel tired at all. Tennyson does not mince words, when he introduces the fate of these soldiers: â€Å"All in the valley of Death/Rode the six hundred/ â€Å"Forward, the Light Brigade!/Charge for the guns!† he said (Tennyson 1.3-6). He knows that these soldiers are doomed because they will be charging for the guns. The soldiers

Chasing Che Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chasing Che - Research Paper Example Another theme well presented in the book and one which will be focused on in the paper is the theme of poverty that is very widespread from the text and brings itself out on many occasions. Coming back from medical school, Che had had a very great life and enjoyed each day that he had spent studying. This was not only because he was very steadfast but also from the fact that everything that he had needed and was using was availed to him readily1. There was water in abundance and he used to have a very reputable and diet food. This was sure to keep him healthy and delighted all the time. However, the situation changed as soon as he was through with his education and went back to his home town. The area was a mess and he found it very hard to cope with the conditions there. The change was rather drastic for him and his friend and thus they sat down and devised a plan on how to get the conditions back on track. Che thought it through as he carried on his day to day activities back at ho me and with the help of his close friend decided to take a trip across the country in an effort to bring back the so much required revolution. The essence of the revolution was so as to get the economic condition of the country stable so that the adverse conditions of his village could reduce significantly if not come to an end2. The poverty in the country is brought to focus when the effects of having the fuel for the journey as quite a large hustle. This is clearly defined in the manner through which Che complains of lack of enough money to travel throughout the country. Che was a very instrumental man and had decided to give up everything for the success of his journey. The fact that as trained doctor he was having problems with finances was a clear indication of how deplorable the conditions of the country were. When he had left the hometown, he was very sure that with proper education he would gain employment but this was not the subsequent case. Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba at the time. He was a very corrupt head and did not play by the book but rather went on his own way as he continued ruling the country3. His corruption was witnessed from the manner through which people from his country varied greatly economically. A section of people dwelt in palaces and expensive mansions while another section of the people actually survived in areas that were overcome by poverty and did not have all the resources that they required. The corruption was as much as he did not actually care anymore what the people thought but rather went on to live his life in a fancy manner. The people stated to be living lavish lives were close friends and family of the leader. The uneven spread of resources made other places become poorer than others and this was the major reason as to why Che set out on the journey in an effort to change this. Che decided to take a motorcycle ride all around the country without caring a lot of whether he would succeed or not but rather all t hat he wanted was to have in mind that he had tried his best. The theme of poverty clearly shapes itself from the first few kilometers that Che and his friend took while navigating the country. This was because of the vast amount of problems they had with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Coney Island Hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coney Island Hospital - Essay Example Coney Island Hospital prides itself in its ability to take an active role in building a healthier Southern Brooklyn. In so doing, the hospital makes a cognizant effort to reach out the ethnically diverse community it is an integral part of. This is done through the utility of innovative approaches. The Community Wellness 2000 initiative represents one of the many community-based coalitions utilizing a proactive healthcare method. In so doing, it imparts a strong philosophy of health maintenance and sickness prevention as a means of improving the health and well-being of the individuals within the community of Southern Brooklyn. The fundamental goal of initiatives such as the Community Wellness 2000 initiative is the provision of preventive and integrated healthcare services (New York City Department of Health, 2006). One of the fundamental strengths of Coney Island Hospital is its ability to provide superior clinical services to its culturally and ethnically diverse constituents. In its advertisement, the hospital emphasizes its excellent departments and specialty areas. These areas include Adolescent Medicine, Urology, Cardiology and Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Additionally, Coney Island Hospital prides itself in the fact that it has worked arduously to expand its Women's Health services to include a multi-disciplinary Osteoporosis Program which is built around the concept of preventative medicine. Another area of improvement within the hospital is the improved level of services provided by the Breast Health Center. Through its utility of state of the art technology, the hospital has strategically positioned itself as one of the leading facilities for breast disease detection and management (New York State Department of Health, 2006). One of the most distinguishing features of Coney Island Hospital is its recently-formed community-based alliance with practitioner within the private sector. This alliance as embodied in the "Partners In Private Practice" program has experienced phenomenal growth and in a relatively short period of time, it has grown to include six medical offices that provide both primary care and specialty services. These offices are truly a part of the ethnic and cultural diversity Coney Island Hospital caters to in that the offices are specifically designed to serve the Russian, Pakistani and Chinese communities (New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, 2006). The specialty services offered by Coney Island Hospital serve as the main distinguishing features. Its specialty services include Adolescent Medicine, Adult Primary Care, Ambulatory Services, Breast Health Center, Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center and multicultural services. The Adolescent Medicine Program proves dedicated services to young people between the ages of 12 and 21. The services offered to the young people serviced by this program includes preventive and curative services for sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, weight/nutritional management, scoliosis as well as vision, hearing and psychological assessments and social services. The ambulatory surgery department of Coney Island Hospital is one of the highest rated in the tri-state area. It boasts modernized pre-test and registration areas as well as a state

Future Business Leader scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Future Business Leader scholarship - Essay Example Successful business leaders must be inspirational and committed to work. Successful business leaders should have the ability to share their vision in a successful manner with their team. If the mission and vision of the organisation is clear to the employees then the chances of leading the team successfully increases. Successful business leaders have good communication skills. They ensure that via their communication they are able to motivate their team and retrieve maximum amount of productivity from the team. Leaders need to keep their team motivated so that the team remains in high spirits at all times. Successful business leaders need to engage in team work and also encourage team work amongst their staff. With team work, the task gets effectively and efficiently done. Leaders need to effectively handle teams and delegate tasks to team member according to their capability. Successful leaders need to have good time management skills. They need to manage workload time according to deadlines and should know how to prioritise work according to deadlines. Successful leaders can work under pressure and ensure that they manage all activities in a successful manner. Successful leaders need to have a good and modest character. They should instil good values in their organisation so that the employees following them aim for good values in their professional life. Leaders need to demonstrate a strong ethical conduct at workplace. They should be ethical while conducting the organisational activities so that the subordinates under the leader do the same. Honesty and ethical conduct are crucial elements for successful business leadership. The business that I would like to initiate in my future is a day care business. Day care business is a highly challenging business as one has to deal with small children and a staff that is calm and patient. Due to my inspirational personality,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chasing Che Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chasing Che - Research Paper Example Another theme well presented in the book and one which will be focused on in the paper is the theme of poverty that is very widespread from the text and brings itself out on many occasions. Coming back from medical school, Che had had a very great life and enjoyed each day that he had spent studying. This was not only because he was very steadfast but also from the fact that everything that he had needed and was using was availed to him readily1. There was water in abundance and he used to have a very reputable and diet food. This was sure to keep him healthy and delighted all the time. However, the situation changed as soon as he was through with his education and went back to his home town. The area was a mess and he found it very hard to cope with the conditions there. The change was rather drastic for him and his friend and thus they sat down and devised a plan on how to get the conditions back on track. Che thought it through as he carried on his day to day activities back at ho me and with the help of his close friend decided to take a trip across the country in an effort to bring back the so much required revolution. The essence of the revolution was so as to get the economic condition of the country stable so that the adverse conditions of his village could reduce significantly if not come to an end2. The poverty in the country is brought to focus when the effects of having the fuel for the journey as quite a large hustle. This is clearly defined in the manner through which Che complains of lack of enough money to travel throughout the country. Che was a very instrumental man and had decided to give up everything for the success of his journey. The fact that as trained doctor he was having problems with finances was a clear indication of how deplorable the conditions of the country were. When he had left the hometown, he was very sure that with proper education he would gain employment but this was not the subsequent case. Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba at the time. He was a very corrupt head and did not play by the book but rather went on his own way as he continued ruling the country3. His corruption was witnessed from the manner through which people from his country varied greatly economically. A section of people dwelt in palaces and expensive mansions while another section of the people actually survived in areas that were overcome by poverty and did not have all the resources that they required. The corruption was as much as he did not actually care anymore what the people thought but rather went on to live his life in a fancy manner. The people stated to be living lavish lives were close friends and family of the leader. The uneven spread of resources made other places become poorer than others and this was the major reason as to why Che set out on the journey in an effort to change this. Che decided to take a motorcycle ride all around the country without caring a lot of whether he would succeed or not but rather all t hat he wanted was to have in mind that he had tried his best. The theme of poverty clearly shapes itself from the first few kilometers that Che and his friend took while navigating the country. This was because of the vast amount of problems they had with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Future Business Leader scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Future Business Leader scholarship - Essay Example Successful business leaders must be inspirational and committed to work. Successful business leaders should have the ability to share their vision in a successful manner with their team. If the mission and vision of the organisation is clear to the employees then the chances of leading the team successfully increases. Successful business leaders have good communication skills. They ensure that via their communication they are able to motivate their team and retrieve maximum amount of productivity from the team. Leaders need to keep their team motivated so that the team remains in high spirits at all times. Successful business leaders need to engage in team work and also encourage team work amongst their staff. With team work, the task gets effectively and efficiently done. Leaders need to effectively handle teams and delegate tasks to team member according to their capability. Successful leaders need to have good time management skills. They need to manage workload time according to deadlines and should know how to prioritise work according to deadlines. Successful leaders can work under pressure and ensure that they manage all activities in a successful manner. Successful leaders need to have a good and modest character. They should instil good values in their organisation so that the employees following them aim for good values in their professional life. Leaders need to demonstrate a strong ethical conduct at workplace. They should be ethical while conducting the organisational activities so that the subordinates under the leader do the same. Honesty and ethical conduct are crucial elements for successful business leadership. The business that I would like to initiate in my future is a day care business. Day care business is a highly challenging business as one has to deal with small children and a staff that is calm and patient. Due to my inspirational personality,

History of Physical Education Essay Example for Free

History of Physical Education Essay A brief history of physical education in the United States would kick off in the nineteenth century. There was growing popularity of formal physical education programs all across Europe where calisthenics and gymnastics were all the rage. American schools looked to follow the European model by incorporating physical education into the curriculum for primary and secondary schools. And a brief history of physical education would not be complete with a consideration of institutes of higher education that gradually built up extremely successful sports programs. How it began The brief history of physical education would start in just about 1820 when schools focused on gymnastics, hygiene training and care and development of the human body. By the year 1950, over 400 institutes had introduced majors in physical education. The Young Mens Christian Association launched its very first chapter in 1851 and focused on physical activities. Colleges were encouraged to focus on intramural sports particularly track, field and football. But physical education became a formal requirement following the civil war when many states opted to pass laws that required schools to incorporate a substantial physical education component into their curriculums. But it was not till 1970 that an amendment was made to the Federal Education Act that allowed women from high school and college to compete in athletic competitions. Sex-based discrimination was completely outlawed from government funded programs at this point. THE HISTORY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN GREECE. In Greece the latest years special education has followed the same progression as in any other country in Europe but in a very slow pace. Specifically, Special Education services were available to Greek children since the beginning of the 20th century, adapted Physical Education was introduced the last two decades. After the first half of the century various associations developed intense activity with the aim to protect specific groups of people with special needs such as, the blind, the deaf and motionaly disabled. The initiative had clearly charitable characteristics with pity as the main feeling. The state welfare was non-existent every kind of care and prevention was accorded to the authorization of the charitable organization that with full power decided during the course of the years about the life and the future of thousands of people with special needs. The offers of the individuals had the form of institutional care (enclosed protection) with the offer of basic knowledge. The interest of private initiative led to the introduction of various institutional units and schools; firstly in the area of Attica and then in other cities of Greece. Some of the first institutions, which were created, was the â€Å"house of the blind† in 1906, the â€Å"house of the deaf and dump† in 1923, and the â€Å"Hellenic organization for the protection and rehabilitation of disabled children†. In 1937 much late there were more branches created such as the â€Å"national institution for the protection of the deaf and dump† in 1937, the â€Å"lighthouse of the blind† in 1946, the â€Å" school of the blind in North Greece† in 1948 etc. These institutions housed a great number of children but the role of the individuals was not only always a charitable one. However, the private sector helped in its way the state preparation so as to take up later the responsibility and interfere institutionally. The first state interferences began in 50’s and concerned mainly legislation arrangements for the blind and after for the motionaly disabled. The state however was interested in the group of the mentally retarded children and later in the motionaly disabled, which the private agents had completely ignored. The first school, which was founded by the state for the mentally retarded children, was the â€Å" original special school of Athens† in 1937. Many people considerthe state interference in the space of special education during the 30’s non-occasional. The considerable evolutions of pedagogical and psychology sciences, the establishment of obligatory attendance for all the children and the great number of mentally retarded children comparatively with other groups of â€Å" inferior individuals† was a reality which the Greek state could not ignore. From the mid of 50’s the 70’s the developments in special education came again from the wide activity of the private sector while the state followed with mainly legislation inferences and the well known sympathy towards the people with special needs. So, during this period educational units were founded and â€Å"deaf and dumb† schools in various areas of Greece and units for motionaly-disabled people. Another offer of the private sector was the foundation of children’s neuropsychiatry clinics and schools for the group of â€Å"marginal adults† and â€Å" mentally retarded children†. The exemplification of the Greek state and the educational policy of the western countries begins in the mid of the 70’s approximately. Specifically towards the end of the 70’s measures were promoted for the professional rehabilitation of the disabled by giving motives to employers for the employment of these people. Since 1980 and then special classes for the children with, learning difficulties and slight mental retardment began to be estamplished. The Greek state in the 80’s seems to desire to participate actively with the other social factors in an attempt of reorganization of the philosophy and pre-existent structure concerning the people with special needs, which imposed their life and social back round. Precisely, emphasis was given in the whole development and the development of the potential of the people with special needs, their introduction in the productive procedure and their mutual acceptance in the social group. Today, thousands of individuals with disabilities are introduced to sports in various settings such as schools or in sports clubs in both segregated and integrated settings by a variety of national and international organizations. The momentum for such change is contributed to several reasons: †¢ One of the most important reason is the introduction and approval of a new law, which mandates not only free public education for all children, but most important integration of children with disabilities in schools settings. This law is consideredas a springboard for the recognition for all children’s rights to participate in physical education activities. †¢ A second reason, is beginning of 90’s the implementation of the program â€Å"Sports for All†, which is organized by the General Secretariat of Sports and implemented with the support of different municipalities within Greece. †¢ A third reason, is the mandatory exposure of all students of physical education in adapted physical activity course work during their core university studies. In this way they have the opportunity not only to be introduced, but also to become specialized later on this subject. This has considerably affected their attitude to teach integrated sports. †¢ A fourth reason is the organization of the Paralympic Games of 2004, which is considered one of the largest events in the world. Due to the magnitude of this event, Greece started to evaluate the current status of the movement for sports for the disabled people, as well as, begin to take important actions towards the best organization of the games.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Design of Condition Monitoring (CM) system of a Case Study

Design of Condition Monitoring (CM) system of a Case Study Term / Abbreviation Definition CBW Continuous Batch Washer CM Condition Monitoring DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung (German Institute for Standardization) FFT Fast Fourier Transform FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy IR Infra-Red OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer P-F Potential to Functional Failure PM Preventive Maintenance SGS Spring Grove Services TAN Total Acid Number TBN Total Base Number TWF Time Wave Form WDA Wear Debris Analysis Spring Grove Services has decided to embark on a Condition Monitoring approach for the maintenance of its most critical equipment. Criticality was established by carrying out a study on the main Utilities and Process systems/machinery. This report includes data and images from a Thermography study, carried out at SGS, as this type of CM has already commenced. The findings identified in this exercise have highlighted potential points of failure in the Novopac shrink-wrap lines. Lubrication and Vibration Analysis studies have yet to commence so will be considered from a look-ahead perspective. The areas of focus here are the 18 Stage CBW and the Kaeser air compressor respectively. There will be predictions and estimates made on possible findings and required follow-up actions. The report undertaken here confirms to the author the necessity of introducing CM for equipment that is central to the successful running of the SGS plant in Cork. Spring Grove Services is one of Irelands leading laundry rental service providers. SGS has four major processing sites in Ireland. The business model functions by supplying linen to customers on a rental basis. This is then collected after use and cleaned before re-supply. Clients are supplied from a pool stock i.e. linen is not specific to any one client. The plant in Cork, which is featured in our case study, processes on average 330,000kgs of linen per week which equates to approximately 660,000 individual pieces. Run hours are 85 per week. Its customers include Irelands biggest hotels and hospitals. There is a real time aspect to this industry in the sense that linen processed today may well be used in a hotel or hospital tonight. This same linen will probably have only arrived in the laundry this morning in a soiled state. Lengthy batch release times due to quality inspections do not feature as they would in the pharmaceutical and healthcare products industries. This does not mean that there are poor quality standards, it just means that there is a minimum of time to ascertain them. This super-lean model requires maximum availability of plant equipment so effective maintenance is paramount. The operating context is also a factor in the maintenance strategy: equipment with many moving parts operating in a hot, humid and/or dusty environment. Preventive and Corrective Maintenance has historically been accepted practice with SGS but Condition Monitoring is coming more to the forefront for the most critical equipment. SGS is part of the European wide Berendsen group. The first step in the Condition Monitoring journey was to identify the most critical equipment. This would naturally become the focus of CM. Appendices A and B illustrate how Utilities and Process systems interact at SGS. Appendix C explains in detail, using a Criticality Scoring Scheme (Wheelhouse, 2014), how the results in Figure 1 were attained. Figure 1: SGS Criticality Curve Figure 1 trends criticality for the various Utilities and Process systems/equipment in Spring Grove Services. From Figure 1, we can deduce that the most critical assets are the CBWs, the Plastic Wrappers and the air Compressor. On further analysing the failure modes associated with this equipment, we can decide on where the exact focus of CM will be: 18 Stage CBW: This machine is the work horse of the Wash House as it alone processes 50% of the linen. Its most critical piece of equipment is the drive motor/gearbox assembly. We will apply Lubrication Analysis to the gearbox. Plastic Wrappers: These pieces of equipment form the final stage of the laundering process. Failure here creates a severe bottleneck. We will apply Thermographic Analysis to the electrical control panels. Air Compressor: If the compressor stops, production stops as there is no redundancy available. We will apply Vibration Analysis to the bearings as they are overdue replacement according to Original Equipment Manufacturer specification. 3.1 Equipment Description Figure 2: Lenze GST Geared Motor (Source: Geared Motor Spares) Figure 2 shows the type of geared motor used to drive the 18 Stage CBW (Geared Motor Spares). Lenze GST Helical Gearbox Power: 18.5kW Speed: 331rpm Torque: 518Nm Ratio: 4.457:1 Product Code: GST09-2MVBR180C12 Oil manufacture/type: Shell Omala S4 GX 320 Quantity of oil: 4.8 litres 3.2 Testing Overview The main purpose of carrying out lubrication analysis on this gearbox is to determine its health. The health of the lubricating oil itself is of secondary importance to SGS as it is a relatively inexpensive and easy task to replace. Because of these considerations our findings on Wear Debris Analysis (particle count) and Content Analysis will be used to make an overall estimation of system health. Where possible analysis performed through In-line or On-line methods is often preferable. However in this instance, neither of these options is possible so Off-line sampling will have to suffice. Off-line analysis does however provide increased scope for evaluating a greater variety of debris (Pruftechnik, 2002). Figure 3: GST gearbox lubrication service points (Source: Geared Motor Spares)    Figure 3 illustrates the various lubrication service points on a Lenze GST type gearbox (Geared Motor Spares). To take an oil sample, we will employ the following procedure: Ensure that the gearbox/oil is at normal operating temperature. It is not safe to take a sample while the gearbox is in operation due to the proximity of hazardous moving parts. We will therefore instead stop the machine and take a sample as soon as the drive motor is safely isolated. 100ml will be extracted using a Vampire Pump and entering the gearbox through the Breathing/oil filler plug as displayed in Figure 3. This method of extraction is known as the Drop Tube Sampling Method. Figure 4: Drop Tube Sampling Method (Source: Zidoune) Figure 4 shows a Vampire Pump extracting oil using the Drop Tube Sampling Method (Zidoune). Precautions when sampling: Record time, date and operating conditions. Oil must be at operating temperature. Ensure clean bottles and new tubing are used. Take oil from middle of gearbox i.e. not too close to the bottom. A turbulent zone is best. Samples should be sent for laboratory testing without delay. Poor sampling = poor results = poor decisions (Zidoune, 2013). 3.3 Test Findings Visual Inspection This can be performed by onsite staff prior to laboratory analysis and observations will be aimed at the following: Foaming an indication of contamination, passage through restricted openings or excessive churning. Emulsion water has entered the gearbox. Darkening oxidation has occurred or oil has been exposed to excessive heat. Laboratory Analysis On receiving laboratory results, we will consider the following factors in estimating the health of the gearbox: FTIR This provides information about oil chemistry and particulates. It can also determine if there has been a decrease in desirable content such as corrosion inhibitors. Viscosity This can tell us much about the lubricants condition. It can also give us an insight into system health when considered alongside factors such as detergency and dilution. Metal Concentration This is a key health indicator. The presence of certain metals can point towards the defect location e.g. Lead and Tin detected in large amounts indicates wear of a white metal bearing. TAN/TBN Acid number determines amount of oxidation present in the oil. Base number is an indication of the capacity to neutralise acids. Fault Level Settings Gearbox or oil manufacturers should be consulted, however setting useful alarm limits can be subjective as there are many variables in the operating context that it is not possible to account for in their specifications. Alarm limits are best set by initially estimating, based on specifications, and then gathering data over a period of time to tune the initial estimates. This will help reduce both false triggers and potential failures. As there are three CBWs in the wash house with identical drive systems, there is a likelihood that a gearbox will be fully overhauled in the not too distant future. We could use this opportunity to get data from perfectly healthy system i.e. a reconditioned gearbox with new oil. ISO Coding Sample Standard Cleanliness Target for an Industrial Gearbox: ISO 17/15/12 (Angeles, 2003) Table 2 Table 2 contains hypotethical data that we would expect to see in an oil sample taken from a healty gearbox. Using ISO 4406 methods with this data would give us a code of 17/15/12. 3.4 Conclusion Trending It is imperative that a trend is developed from the successive analysis exercises. This will result in a graph curve which displays system health and allow for a timely maintenance intervention when required. Recommended sampling frequency Care must be taken here as 100ml test amounts will render the gearbox empty of oil after 48 samples. Topping up the gearbox after each sample is not recommended as introducing new oil dilutes the existing content and thus distorts WDA data. Current oil replacement interval is every 4 years. Initial sampling frequency will be every 6 months with the gearbox oil level topped up every 12 months. Quick wins Spurlock (n.d.) states that one of the most common points of ingress for contamination in a gearbox is the OEM breather. It is recommended that an aftermarket breather be used instead. 4.1 Equipment Description Figure 5: Novopac ANL 090 Wrapper (Source: Bidspotter) Figure 6: Novopac BM2009 Heat Shrinking Oven (Source: Bidspotter) Figures 5 and 6 show examples of the Novopac Wrapper and Heat Shrinking Oven used in SGS (Bidspotter). Novopac ANL 090 Wrapper and BM2009 Heat Shrinking Oven (both function as a combined unit). Power: 41kW. Output per min.: 8/16 packs. 4.2 Testing Overview It was decided that SGS would purchase a thermographic camera and have one of the maintenance technicians trained in its operation. The supervisor consulted with the technician immediately after the study was completed and again when the full report was completed. 4.3 Test Findings There were two areas that were cause for concern: the three phase power supply connection and the DIN rail mounted contactors. Three Phase Power Supply Connection Figure 7: IR image Figure 8: Standard image Table 3 Figures 7 and 8 show both an IR and a standard image of the three phase connection block. Table 3 lists the data recorded by the camera in this instance. Action taken: The hot spot found in Figure 7 was found to be a loose connection on the DIN rail connection block. Tightening the same connector resolved the issue. DIN Rail Mounted Contactors Figure 9: IR image Figure 10: Standard image Table 4 Figures 9 and 10 show both an IR and a standard image of the DIN rail mounted contactors. Table 4 lists the data recorded by the camera in this instance. Action taken: Figure 9 indicates that there is a temperature build up between the contactors. On consulting previous reports, it was found that the temperature readings were similar during the last thermographic study. At this point the contactors were actually located closer together. A recommendation was made at that time to space out the contactors to allow for extra cooling. However this has made no difference but since there has not been deterioration in the state of the contactors, SGS has decided not to take any further action at present. 4.4 Conclusion The overall conclusion is that, beyond the tightening of the loose connection, there is no serious action required regarding repairs. However SGS has realised that there are shortcomings in the testing procedures which are mainly down to the technician not being trained to the proper standard. Listed below are the observations and recommendations relating to this viewpoint: The approach being applied is a Qualitative one which is sufficient for identifying the presence of a fault. It is also effective as a comparative technique. A Qualitative approach measures the Blackbody Apparent Temperature. Neither reflected/transmitted radiation nor emissivity has been accounted for. To get a true temperature reading, a Quantitative approach would be required. This will not only identify the presence of a fault but also its severity. Reflected/transmitted radiation is accounted for by entering the ambient temperature in the IR Camera. This can be done using pre-measured or estimated values. A correct entry here would provide the Blackbody temperature. Emissivity can be accounted for by entering a pre-measured or library values. A correct entry here, combined with accounting for the reflected/transmitted radiation, would provide the actual temperature. 5.1 Equipment Description Figure 11: Kaeser CS76 (Source: Synairgies) Figure 11 shows the type of Kaeser air compressor used in SGS (Synairgies). Kaeser CS76. Type: Rotary screw wet. Power: 45kW. Motor speed: 3000rpm. Mains frequency: 50Hz. Pressure: 7.5bar. Year of manufacture: 2004. Total running hours: 53563. On-load running hours: 42789. Recommended frequency for bearings replacement: 35000 hours this activity has yet to be completed. 5.2 Testing Overview The most likely cause of a screw compressor to fail is its bearings (KCF Technologies, n.d.). Accelerometer Locations For our Kaeser machine, we will apply vibration monitoring at the radial bearing positions of both the motor and compressor. This area will get a particular focus because OEM specifications suggest the bearings should have already been replaced. SGS is hoping that vibration analysis will give a true indicator of bearing condition and thus inform of the optimum time for bearing change-out. Figure 12: Sensor locations (Source: KCF Technologies) Figure 12 shows typical mounting positions, in yellow, for sensors to measure vibration at motor and compressor radial bearings (KCF Technologies). Mounting technique Accelerometers will be stud mounted to help ensure the most accurate readings. Accelerometer selection and equipment set-up Frequencies associated with bearings usually occur in the 1 to 5 kHz range. For this application an accelerometer with 25 kHz natural frequency is required. Sampling frequency (fs) = 2.56 x 5000 = 12800 Hz. For Fast Fourier Transform Spectrum Analysis, to achieve a frequency resolution of less than 1Hz: df = fs/N à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ 1 N is the number of data points. N = 2^14 = 16,384 fs/N = 0.78125 Crest Factor or Kurtosis on Time Wave Form Acceleration signal can be employed to assist with diagnosis. Velocity and Acceleration will be the main focus for FFT. 5.3 Test Findings TWF and FFT For fault diagnosis, we will refer to TWF and FFT graphs. Figure 13: TWF and FFT (Source: Sinha) Figure 13 displays vibration acceleration measurement for a ball bearing in the initial fault stage (Sinha). Vibration Alarm and Fault level examples Table 5 (Source: Zargar) Table 5 lists vibration limits for a similar size and specification to the Kaeser CS76 (Zargar). 5.4 Conclusion A successful vibration monitoring program can be most difficult to attain for screw compressors. This is because of the high frequencies associated with the bearings, gearbox, male and female rotors. The associated noise pollution of the compressor can cause additional monitoring problems (Zargar, 2013). For the Kaeser compressor, there is a risk that bearing wear is present because of the hours run by the machine. However we cannot draw a firm conclusion on this until we develop a trend based on several sets of analysis data. The ultimate goal is to capture the point at which the bearings begin to deteriorate and from there successfully monitor the P-F interval. This will enable a well-judged maintenance intervention. CM want to have: If sufficient finance was available, a great option would be to invest in an Online monitoring system and have data fed back to a central PC. The software package could then issue periodic reports as well as alarm condition notifications. It is clear, I believe, from this report that embarking on a Conditioning Monitoring programme would bring great benefit to SGS. As well as the immediate gains to be made on the above equipment, the following should also result as pleasant side effects: An awareness will have developed among the key stakeholders of the advantages of CM over other types of maintenance. Technical staff will have an opportunity to upskill in either carrying out CM activities such as the Thermography study or be involved in interpreting results from Lubrication and Vibration analysis. There will be a willingness to roll out CM to other pieces of equipment. Thermography is an obvious contender as the equipment is already purchased. Downtime in the Wash House should be reduced as potential failures in the 18 Stage CBW drive gearbox will be identified before descending into functional failures. Again, as soon as this benefit is realised, this approach should carry across to other equipment. The criticality study which underpins the CM strategy will help focus technical resources on the most important equipment to the business. The expected success of the programme in the Cork plant should result in adoption of CM across the other sites in Ireland as there has always been close cooperation in terms of maintenance practices and parts sourcing. There will be an opportunity for the maintenance department to come to the forefront of the company when reporting the expected good news stories to emerge from adopting this new maintenance approach. Continuous improvement will organically develop from CM and bring kudos to the maintenance team. The general non-contact nature of CM will enhance safe working practices. The non-intrusive nature of CM will result in less equipment stoppages and reduced maintenance induced failures. The maintenance team will be encouraged to work more closely with equipment and components suppliers. This will help better inform future selection of machinery. It should be the beginning of a new maintenance culture across the organisation. Angeles, R. (2003). Tables on Oil Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 12 November 2016]. Bidspotter (n.d.). Impianti Novo Pac heat shrink-wrap tunnel.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 08 November 2016]. Geared Motor Spares (n.d.). Lenze GST Geared Motors.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 08 November 2016]. Geared Motor Spares (n.d.). L-force Geared Motors.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 11 November 2016]. KCF Technologies (n.d.). Vibration Monitoring of Compressors. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 16 November 2016]. Pruftechnik (2002). An Engineers Guide to Shaft Alignment, Vibration Analysis, Dynamic Balancing Wear Debris Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 13 November 2016]. Sinha, J. (2016). PG Course in Reliability Engineering and Asset Management, Unit M04: Condition Monitoring. School of Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Engineering. University of Manchester. Spurlock, M. (n.d.). Reducing Gearbox Oil Contamination Levels. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 11 November 2016]. Synairgies (n.d.).Synairgies Compresseurs Doccasion.[Online]. Available from [Accessed 08 November 2016]. Zargar, O. A. (2013). Hydraulic Unbalance in Oil Injected Twin Rotary Screw Compressor Vibration Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 17 November 2016]. Zidoune, M. (2013). Lubricants Handling and Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 11 November 2016]. Wheelhouse, P. (2014). Exercise 3_5 Criticality, Unit M01: Asset Management Maintenance Strategy. School of Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Engineering. University of Manchester. 8.1 Appendix A Figure 14: SGS Utilities Systems Figure 14 shows the systems which form Utilities at SGS. 8.2 Appendix B Figure 15: SGS Process System/Equipment Figure 15 shows a high level view of process systems and equipment at SGS. 8.3 Appendix C Criticality Scoring Scheme(Wheelhouse, 2014) The plant has decided on a criticality scoring scheme which consists of four different factors which will be multiplied together to give an overall score for equipment criticality. These factors are: Redundancy, Failure Likelihood, Failure Duration Financial Impact. A scoring scheme has been devised for each factor as follows: Redundancy = Number of units required / Number of units available Likelihood KeywordEvents per YearScore Never00 Very unlikely Unlikely 0.2 0.6 2 Probable 1.0 1.5 3 Almost certain >24 Duration KeywordScore Hours1 Days2 Weeks3 Months4 Financial Impact KeywordScore Repair cost only1 Additional cost penalty2 Potential loss of sales3 Immediate loss of sales4 Table 6 lists equipment criticalities as calculated at SGS. References Angeles, R. (2003). Tables on Oil Analysis. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 12 November 2016]. British Standards Institution (1999). BS ISO4406:1999. Hydraulic fluid power Fluids Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles. Published under the authority of the Standards Committee. Felten, D. (2003). Understanding Bearing Vibration Frequencies. [Online]. Available from [Accessed 16 November 2016]. Geared Motor Spares (n.d.). L-force Geared Motors.[Online]. Available from